Puppy Kindergarten – 4 week course working on sit, down, come, wait, and stay. Also will discuss common puppy problem behaviors like potty training, chewing, digging, barking, and jumping on people. $275
Puppy School – 4 week course working on combining behaviors, transitioning away from treats for rewards, teach commands such as place, heel, loose-leash walking, working with distractions to strengthen core obedience commands. Will also teach 1 “trick” that the client would like to learn such as roll over, paw, spin, etc. $275
Intermediate – 4 week course introducing clicker training, will solidify basic obedience commands with the clicker, teach puppy push-ups, stand, leave it/take it, strengthen heel & loose-leash walking, drop-it/release, settle. $275
Advanced – 4 week course teaching touch, find it, catch. Strengthening all commands in distracting locations, will include field trips to other locations than just the home, teach 2 “tricks” that client would like to learn, address any occurring problem behaviors. $275
Vet Skills – 4 week course teaching common skills that will help your dog be more comfortable at the vet and alleviate stress when certain tasks need to be done. Skills taught include accepting touch all over including nails, ears, and tail; accepting being laid on their side, nail trims, ear cleanings, opening mouth for exam, and accepting positions needed for blood draws. $250
AKC K9 Good Citizen – The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for pet parents and basic good manners for dogs. The 10-step “CGC” test is a non-competitive test for all dogs, including purebreds and mixed breeds. It is a prerequisite for many therapy dog groups and some homeowner’s insurance companies encourage “CGC” testing. This course will train all 10 components of the test and end with the opportunity to take the test to certify as a canine good citizen. This is a 6 week course and consists of in home sessions as well as field trips to distracting locations. $300 (Can also offer Community Canine, Urban “CGC”, Trick Dog, and Fit Dog programs)
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test – When you complete a basic dog training class (taught by an AKC Approved “CGC” Evaluator) with your puppy (up to 1 year old), your puppy is eligible to be enrolled in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program. Your instructor will administer the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test at the end of the course. You must complete Puppy Kindergarten and Puppy School to take the test. Upon passing the test, you’ll get an application to send to AKC® for enrollment in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program. All dogs are welcome to participate in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program including purebreds and mixed breeds. Your puppy will receive the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Medal (for display or memento purposes; not suitable as a collar tag). You and your puppy will be listed in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy records. $40
Stay & Train Classes – Training sessions that are added on to a pet sitting stay. Shorter sessions (20 mins) over the course of the stay focused on training specific behaviors the client wants taught. Can cover the topics in puppy kindergarten, puppy school, intermediate, advanced, and vet skills courses. Must schedule a session upon return to show clients the skills that were taught. $20/session (additional $5 if using clicker training)
Kitten/Cat Training – 4 week course teaching commands such as sit, come, fetch, shake, leave it, plus walking on a leash. Clicker training is used in this course. Must be a food/treat motivated cat. $150
Private Sessions (focused on 1 problem behavior) – 1 hour session personalized to the needs of the client. $75/session