About 4th Demention

Our Goals and Origin

4th Demention Training & Pet-Sitting is a company that provides superior customer service, exceptional care for your pets, unique/customizable services, and unparalleled professional guidance with regards to pet-sitting and dog training.

Where did 4th Demention come from? You might already know that my last name is Dement (Think cement with a D for pronunciation). Well my dad was Benjamin Eugene Dement, IV aka the fourth. He was my world! I lost him in September 2006, so I wanted to pay homage to him. When he was alive, he had a car restoration company called The Fourth DEMENTion. When I decided to open my own company, I wanted to be able to take clients and their pets to the next level of care and expertise. Why not the 4th dimension? Better yet, the 4th Demention. So 4th Demention Training & Pet-Sitting was born.

This company is designed with only the best in mind for your pets. Team members and myself will travel within a large radius centered around Longmont, CO to provide dog training and pet-sitting services. I specialize in dog training and overnight pet-sitting but we offer a wide variety of other services. These include feline training, dog walking, and plant care.

We pride ourselves on providing superior customer service and exceptional care to the pets that the team takes care of. If I am teaching obedience lessons, I answer all of my client’s questions and demonstrate each skill in multiple ways. We require an in-person consultation before any initial pet-sitting service and a minimum of a phone consultation for any initial training session. These consultations allow us to make sure that our team will be the right fit for you and your pets. 

I'm in, what's next?

After the initial consultation, you will be emailed information about Time to Pet. This application will allow you to schedule services, communicate with 4th Demention, receive & pay invoices and more. All you have to do is complete your client profile, add your pet(s), and electronically sign the contracts. Check out this instructional video on Time to Pet here https://help.timetopet.com/article/314-using-the-time-to-pet-client-app

Once services are booked, you can sit back and relax knowing that you’ve made the choice to challenge, care for, treasure, and respect your pet.

Call or email us to schedule your free initial consultation today! https://the4thdemention.com/contact

*Please see the FAQ page for other questions that you may still have about 4th Demention Policies